Thesis preparation  

Preparation of Graduation Project- The graduation work is the last step in the Geomatics education. It is completed in the form of an individual research project. GEO2020 follows GEO2011, and involves carrying out the research according to the plan of GEO2011. On completing the Graduation Project, the student is able to: 1. Demonstrate that they are capable to independently apply relevant theory and/or knowledge to research; 2. Formulate a theoretical, numerical and/or experimental framework and delineate a research problem such that it can be solved; 3. Interpret obtained results in a critical manner; 4. Explain the work performed in a structured report that incorporates verification of methods and tools and is written in correct English; 5. Communicate the work performed in a structured way through an oral presentation to a wider audience; 6. Demonstrate capacity to manage the project, both technically and time-wise, considering resources and methodology;
Thesis preparation

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